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A God-sized Vision for WTAMU

Ephesians 3:20 says "Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us—to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen." When we talk about plans or vision we want to ensure that we are seeking the Lord and we also want to make plans and have a vision in line with the character and heart of our God. We know that God wants to make Himself known and transform hearts for His glory and for the good of others! Let's dream big, pray big God-sized prayers, and expect God to move in powerful ways!

As we look towards this next year what is God calling you to? More specifically, in the area of ministry you are going to oversee what are your dreams and visions concerning how God is going to work for His glory? As you prepare for August what is the vision God is putting on your heart for your ministry and how He will use you?

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Jun 06, 2023

I'm expecting God to use me in a very practical way. My heart is to bring awareness to missions and I'm passionate for the world to know Jesus, but ultimately it's Christ who ignites hearts to align with His. Through simply uncovering what scripture says about God's heart is for the nations, I expect to see others become passionate about reaching the unreached! I want to find creative ways to encourage others to pray for specific countries and ultimately hope to bring more awareness to the needs of God's people across the world.

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